What did President Wilson (USA) want from the Treaty of Versailles
Mostly wanted the creation of The League of Nations.
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What did George Clemceau want from The Treaty of Versailles
He had a lot of security considerations. He wanted to limit Germany's power by proposing the confiscation of territory and putting restrictions on their military.
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What did David LLoyd George (Britain) want from the Treaty of Versailles
He was concerned that the French power in Europe would be too strong so he argued against the French being given the Saar region and the Rhineland. However back in Britain he came under pressure to impose harsh restrictions on Germany like the French
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How did the Germans react to the Treaty In May 1919
The German delegation that went to Versailles was not permitted to take part in negotiations. In May 1919 the terms of the treaty were presented to a horrified German delegation. there was considerable resentment at the war guilt clause.
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What did Foreign minster Ulrich von Brockdorff suggest
He suggested open refusal of the treaty.
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What did scheidmann and his cabinet do rather than accept the treaty
rather than accept the treaty he resigned to be replaced by one led by Gustav Bauer of the SPD.
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What happened on the 28th of June
The foreign minister Hermann Muller and minister of communications Johannes Bell signed the Treaty of Versailles
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How did the Treaty affect Germany territorially
Lost territory of economic (Saar) and symbolic importance West Prussia. The rhineland was to become demilitarised. The Saar was to be placed under league of Nations. The Kiel canal was opened to ships from all over. Anschluss with Austria
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Who did the Treaty affect Germany Militarily
Its capability was destroyed. The army being limited to 100,000 men and the navy to six battleships, six cruisers and twelve destroyers, but no submarines. Germany was to have no military aircraft.
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How did the treaty affect Germany colonially
All were to be handed over to the Allies and the organised by the League of Nations as mandates e.g. german East Africa became a British Mandate and South west Africa became a South african mandate
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What were the war guilt reparations Germany faced
Article 231 made Germany fully responsible for the outbreak of war. Reparations were set at 20,000 billion gold marks. they had to hand over all merchant ships. it had to build 200,000 tones of shipping for the allies for 5 years.
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What were the main results of the Treaty
Germany was still strong diplomatically. It inflicted great psychological damage on national consciousness. The creation of the "Stab in the back" mentality
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What did George Clemceau want from The Treaty of Versailles
He had a lot of security considerations. He wanted to limit Germany's power by proposing the confiscation of territory and putting restrictions on their military.
Card 3
What did David LLoyd George (Britain) want from the Treaty of Versailles
Card 4
How did the Germans react to the Treaty In May 1919
Card 5
What did Foreign minster Ulrich von Brockdorff suggest
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