The UK`s Changing Population

  • Created by: Nobis
  • Created on: 20-01-19 14:26
What happened to Jews in 1290?
They were expelled from Britain
1 of 11
What was happening in the sixteenth century?
Black people were coming to live in Britain. Protestants escaping persecution also came here
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What happened in Ireland in the 19th century
The great potato famine
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What did this cause?
A mass exodus of immigrants from Ireland
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Where did these immigrants go?
Mainland Britain and The USA
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What happened with eastern European peoples in the WWII
Many came over to Britain to set up communities. Many could not return and opted to stay here.
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Why did the government invite commonwealth people to Britain after the war?
To work in the public services sector and transport.
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Who were the most common of these peoples
People from the West Indies, Pakistan and India
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What has our membership of the EU caused?
Due to free movement, many EU citizens have opted to live and work here, whereas many of our own citizens have opted to move abroad.
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How many UK citizens live and work in the EU
Around 1.8 million
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How many EU citizens live and work in the UK
Around 2.34 million
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Card 2


What was happening in the sixteenth century?


Black people were coming to live in Britain. Protestants escaping persecution also came here

Card 3


What happened in Ireland in the 19th century


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did this cause?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where did these immigrants go?


Preview of the front of card 5
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