The Biological Approach to Addiction 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAddictive behaviourA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ritateixeira7Created on: 26-11-14 10:47 Case study for Initiation (application to smoking) Thorgeirsson et al (2008) 1 of 6 Case study for maintenance (application to smoking) Schachter (1977) 2 of 6 Case study for Relapse (application to smoking) Lerman (2007) 3 of 6 Case study for Initiation (application to gambling) Slutske (2010) 4 of 6 Case study for maintenance (application to gambling) Chase and Clark (2010) 5 of 6 Case study for relapse (application to gambling) Wray and Dickerson (1981) 6 of 6
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