The biosocial approach to gender dysphoria

What does this theory focus on regarding gender dysphoria?
The interaction between biological and social/cultural factors.
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What are the key elements of the theory?
hormonal imbalances (from the womb) cause the BSTc of the child to develop in line with the opposite sex. how these children are socialised can then effect their chances of developing gender dysphoria.
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What are the variations of hormonal imbalances?
the child could experience additional hormones from the mother or the child could have an insensitivity to the hormones.
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Is this explanation nature or nurture? (IDA)
nurture, it suggests that how a child is raised is crucial in determining their gender identity. however it may be that hormonal imbalances is enought to cause gender dysphoria in which case this approach is less than convincing.
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What are two pieces of supporting research?
Zhou et al - male to female transsexuals had a BSTc that resembled one of females. they concluded that the BSTc is responsible for our sense of gender identity. "Beautiful Boys" - boys with gender dysphoria were socialised in a more feminine way.
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What is an appropriate AO3 point?
Zhous et al's research highlights how difficult it is to research gender dysphoria. in order for it to be an adequate test the study would have to be a longitdunal study.
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What are some points to include for the wider evaluation?
there is clearly much still to discover about this disorder, growing awareness has led to more people recieving treatmen. with more research we may be able to fully evaluate the biosocial approach,currently it seems to be of purely biological origin
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Card 2


What are the key elements of the theory?


hormonal imbalances (from the womb) cause the BSTc of the child to develop in line with the opposite sex. how these children are socialised can then effect their chances of developing gender dysphoria.

Card 3


What are the variations of hormonal imbalances?


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Card 4


Is this explanation nature or nurture? (IDA)


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Card 5


What are two pieces of supporting research?


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