The Black Hand Gang

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 12-01-14 17:54
Who were the Black Hand Gang and what did they want?
They were a secret society aimed uniting all serbs in a Greater Serbia,
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When were they formed and how many men were there and how many men did it increase to in 1914?
In 1911 with 10 men and in 1914 with around 2,500 members,
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What did they decide to do in 1914 and where and why?
They planned to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was the heir to the Austri-Hungarian throne on his visit top Sarjevo in Bosnia. They will kill him as Austria-Hungary took Bosnia without consulting Serbia,
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How did they kill the Archduke? (detailed) (continued on next card)
One of the terroists threw a bomb at the car but it bounced off the Archduke's arm and bounced under the car behind and exploded as he forgot it had a 10 second delay. The other ten didn't try as they were confused and unsure.
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How did they kill the Archduke(continued)
everyone thought they had failed. Princip went to buy a sandwich when the Archduke's car went by him after he made a wrong turn. He shot two bullets, one at the Archduke and the other at Sophie, his wife. He drank posion-out of date-sick-arrested
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Why did the assassination not remain a local matter between Serbia and Austria-Hungary? What did other countries think would happen?
Due to the determination of the Austria-hungarian war party to get revenge on Serbia as well as the alliance systems. Other countries thought it would remain a local matter and there would be quiet negotiations.
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Why was it unlikely that Serbia had been involved in the attack?
As she had just finished the Balkan Wars so needed time to recover before starting an attack on Austria-Hungary
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Who was Conrad von Hotzendorf and what reason did he give for going to war with Serbia?
Conrad von Hotzendorf was the leader of the Austrian War Party, leader of the army and close friend of the Archduke. he said this assassination was Serbia's declaration of war on them,
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What did he say would happen if they didn't go to war with Serbia?
he said the Slavs, Russians, Czechs, Serbs,etc would all start to rebel for independance until Austria-Hungary became nothing,
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What would the 10 point Ultimatum have made Serbia part of?
Effectively, it would have made Serbia part of Austria-Hungary,
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Which point could serbia not accept? What was in it?
Point 6 which would have let Austria-Hungary influence the justice system in Serbia which they couldn't accept.
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Why did Austria-Hungary feel confident this was their opportunity to deal with Serbia? date?(Germany)
As on July 6th, Kaiser Wilhelm II said to A-H that they would support A-H no matter what so germany gave A-H a blank cheque. This gave A-H the assurance that she had Germanys support
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When did A-H declare war on Serbia and why?
On the 28th July, 1914 after Serbia didn't accept Point 6 in the Ultimatum,
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When did Russia start mobilising her forces and why?
On the 30th July aas she had let down Serbia before in the Bosnian Crisis and wasn't about to do it again.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When were they formed and how many men were there and how many men did it increase to in 1914?


In 1911 with 10 men and in 1914 with around 2,500 members,

Card 3


What did they decide to do in 1914 and where and why?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did they kill the Archduke? (detailed) (continued on next card)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did they kill the Archduke(continued)


Preview of the front of card 5
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