The causes of the Great Depression 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryAmerica in the 1930sGCSEAQA Created by: HeatherCreated on: 27-03-14 20:47 Section 1: The wall street crash Section 1: The wall street crash 1 of 13 What was the date of the wall street crash? What was the other name for the date? 24th October 1919, Black Thursday 2 of 13 How many shares were sold on that day and how did this effect the prices? 13 million shares were sold and prices decreased rapidly 3 of 13 What was the Government policy that meant the market should be left to itself with no government interference? 'laissez faire' 4 of 13 How much did the bank spend to try to restore confidence and wha did they buy? $250,000,000 and they bought shares 5 of 13 What day did shares begin falling again and how many shares were sold? Monday 18th October and 9 million were sold, 6 of 13 How many shares were sold on Tuesday 29th? 26 million 7 of 13 How long did share prices continue to fall and how much on average of their original value had they lost? Three years and 80% 8 of 13 How many people were out of work? 12 million, 9 of 13 How many people were being made unemployed every day? 12,000 10 of 13 What 100,000 had gone bankrupt? Companies 11 of 13 What 1616 had gone bankrupt? Banks 12 of 13 How many in 20 farmers were evicted? 1 13 of 13
How far do you agree with interpretation 2 about the reasons for increased support for the Nazis in the years 1929-1933? 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
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