The Earth's Structure 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GeographyPlate tectonicsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Emily xCreated on: 15-09-12 23:13 What is the approximate size of the earth's core? The size of Mars 1 of 12 What is the earth's core made mostly of? Iron and Nickel 2 of 12 What is the outer core like? Semi-molten 3 of 12 What is the mantle mostly composed of? Silicate rocks 4 of 12 What is the mantle rich in? Iron and Magnesium 5 of 12 What is the crust separated from the mantle by? The Moho 6 of 12 The crust has what density of rocks? Least dense of the earth's structure 7 of 12 What is the crust rich in? Silicon, Oxygen, Aluminium, Potassium and Sodium 8 of 12 What type of rocks is oceanic crust mainly made of? Basaltic 9 of 12 Approximately how thick is oceanic crust? 6 - 10 km 10 of 12 Continental crust can be as thick as how much? 70km 11 of 12 The crust and upper - mantle are known collectively as what? Lithosphere 12 of 12