The Environment - Pollution 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ZLebariCreated on: 23-03-14 11:03 putrescible biodegradable 1 of 30 l'ère industrielle (f) industrial era 2 of 30 la circulation routière (f) road traffic 3 of 30 les ordures ménagères (f) household waste 4 of 30 un égout (m) sewer 5 of 30 le navire (m) ship 6 of 30 le naufrage (m) shipwreck 7 of 30 rompre to break/to upset 8 of 30 voire indeed/even 9 of 30 grimper to climb 10 of 30 le réchauffement (m) warming 11 of 30 la fonte des calottes glaciaires (f) melting of the icecaps 12 of 30 la sécheresse (f) drought 13 of 30 bouleverser to upset 14 of 30 la balade (f) walk 15 of 30 déranger to disturb 16 of 30 un adhérent (m) member 17 of 30 viser à to aim at 18 of 30 lié à linked to 19 of 30 primordial of upmost importance 20 of 30 sensible à aware of 21 of 30 gourmand greedy 22 of 30 confier à to entrust 23 of 30 ferroviaire using rail 24 of 30 fluvial using rivers 25 of 30 bannir to banish 26 of 30 nuisible harmful 27 of 30 élaborer to set out 28 of 30 puissant powerful 29 of 30 avoir la cote to be very popular 30 of 30
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