The Executive 15-Mark Essay Plans

  • Created by: ceriann
  • Created on: 28-04-13 12:16
How do Presidents veto legislation, and how significant is the presidential veto? (15 marks)
The veto is a weapon that Presidents are reluctant to use; Using the veto too often suggests that the President in inflexible; if a bill has sufficient support in Congress, a veto can be over-ridden; pocket vetoes cannot be overridden.
1 of 7
How important is the role of the Vice President? (15 marks)
Balances the ticket; providing experience or expertise; taking advice on policy (ref. Obama and Biden); standing in for the president (GWHB and Reagan)
2 of 7
What are the most significant factors that influence a President when choosing the Cabinet? (15 marks)
Recruit policy specialists (ref. Arne Duncan education); build links with Congress; strengthens position for minorities 'a cabinet which looks like America'; represents different parties
3 of 7
How much influence does the President have over the legislative process? (15 marks)
State of the Union address; depends on party control of Congress (ref. Obamacare); power to persuade; times of national emergency.
4 of 7
Assess the constraints on the President’s role as commander in chief. (15 marks)
Only Congress can declare war; War Powers Act; Congress has sole power of the purse; public opinion; pressure groups.
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What are executive orders, and how significant are they for presidential power? (15 marks)
They are not mentioned in the constitution; Increasingly used to create new laws; EO have been used most recently to modify policy on stem cell research; EO still give more power to Congressional legislation.
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How significant is the president’s power of veto? (15 marks)
Used extensively by presidents such as FDR; the veto may be the only way the president has of exerting influence at the end of a presidency; no worry of re-election - a second term president can be unrestrained in his use of the veto; used less often
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Card 2


How important is the role of the Vice President? (15 marks)


Balances the ticket; providing experience or expertise; taking advice on policy (ref. Obama and Biden); standing in for the president (GWHB and Reagan)

Card 3


What are the most significant factors that influence a President when choosing the Cabinet? (15 marks)


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Card 4


How much influence does the President have over the legislative process? (15 marks)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Assess the constraints on the President’s role as commander in chief. (15 marks)


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