Germany was hungry because of the British blockade of its ports. Many felt 'stabbed in the back' because Germany made unnecessary peace despite the fact that the German army was winning. They felt betrayed.
1 of 12
What was the Sparticist Uprising? Aim, reason for failure and the consequences.
A revolt by communists to overthrow the Social Democratic Government but they called in the Freikorps who were better armed and fighters than the Sparticists (small and lacked popularity). Government became too dependent on Freikorps. Rosa L died.
2 of 12
List the military limitations in the Treaty of Versailles
Air force to be disbanded, army limited to 100,000, navy limited to 15,000, only 6 battleships, no submarines, no german troops in Rhineland
3 of 12
List the economic reparations in the Treaty of Versailles
£6.6 million in reparations, 10% industry was taken, 16% agriculture taken,
4 of 12
List the territorial reparations in the Treaty of Versailles
rhineland occupied for 15 years, Alsace-Lorraine returned to France, West Prussia given to Poland, lost all overseas colonies, lost 13% of land to Belgium, Poland, Denmark and France
5 of 12
What was the War Guilt Clause (article 231)
Germany had to take full responsibility for the war
6 of 12
What are the strengths of the Weimar constitution?
all germans could vote and had equal rights
7 of 12
What are the weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution?
proportional representation allocated seats to ratio of their votes- unfair. This lead to coalition parties. Article 48 contained seeds of dictatorship.
8 of 12
What was the cause of the Kapp Putsch?
Began soon after the government tried to shut down the Freikorps- too reliant. There were 100,000+ members- violated Treaty of Versailles. Rebels tried to overthrow Weimar Republic and replace is witha a nationa;ist government led by Wolfgang Kapp.
9 of 12
Why did the Kapp Putsch fail?
The government called on Berlin workers to strike so Freikorps had to abandon the city.
10 of 12
what did bread cost up to due to hyperinflation in 1923 compared to 1922?
163 marks in 1922 and 2 billion marks in 1923
11 of 12
How did hyperinflation affect other people?
middle class people's saving had less value and they lost businesses. Old people had fixed pensions which didn't increase with the inflation.
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the Sparticist Uprising? Aim, reason for failure and the consequences.
A revolt by communists to overthrow the Social Democratic Government but they called in the Freikorps who were better armed and fighters than the Sparticists (small and lacked popularity). Government became too dependent on Freikorps. Rosa L died.
Card 3
List the military limitations in the Treaty of Versailles
Card 4
List the economic reparations in the Treaty of Versailles
Card 5
List the territorial reparations in the Treaty of Versailles
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