The Golden Years of Weimar Germany 1924-29 Quiz

Questions about the The Golden Years of Weimar Germany 1924-29

  • Created on: 06-06-11 20:56
When did industry recover 1913 Levels
1 of 14
What German industry chemical group became the largest in Europe?
IG Farben
2 of 14
How many people were covered in the unemployment insurance?
3 of 14
What was the problem with Economic Growth?
It was uneven
4 of 14
What was the working population by 1931?
33.4 Million
5 of 14
Who argued Germany was living beyond means and public spending was out of Control?
6 of 14
Who argued it was because of Lack of Investment
7 of 14
What group held 30% of the vote by 1922?
8 of 14
In what order were chancellor active during the time of Weimar?
Marx, Luther & Muller
9 of 14
What does Ersatkaiser mean?
Substitute Kaiser
10 of 14
One Coalition Government split due to disagreement on a Flag?
11 of 14
What did Stresemann aim to do?
Free Germany and encourage peace
12 of 14
What did the Dawes plan achieve?
A stable Economy
13 of 14
What did the Locarno pact achieve?
Germany was now freed from its allies
14 of 14

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Card 2


What German industry chemical group became the largest in Europe?


IG Farben

Card 3


How many people were covered in the unemployment insurance?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the problem with Economic Growth?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the working population by 1931?


Preview of the front of card 5
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