The Limestone Cycle
Test your knowledge on the limestone cycle!
- Created by: Elsie_
- Created on: 06-06-12 16:58
Other questions in this quiz
2. The chemical formula for limestone is:
- caco3
- CaCO3
- caCo3
- CaCo3
3. We thermally decompose Calcium Carbonate to get:
- Calcium Dioxide
- Calcium Oxide + Carbon Dioxide
- Calcium Oxide + Oxygen
- Carbon Dioxide + quick lime
4. Check the correct equation
- CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2
- Ca(OH)2 + H2O = CaO
- Ca(OH)2 + H2O = CaCO3
- 2CaO + 4H2O = 2Ca(OH)2
5. How do we make limestone into Cement?
- Heat it in a kiln with water and sand
- Heat it in a kiln with sand and clay
- Heat it in a kiln with powdered clay
- Mix it with water and sand