The Nature of Law 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawGCSEAQA Created by: NicoleCreated on: 30-11-12 18:54 What is law? a set of rules that allows us to do certain things and prevents us from doing others 1 of 19 give FIVE types of law contract, criminal, land, family, employment 2 of 19 why do we need law? maintain order, protect freedoms, regulate relationships, setting standards 3 of 19 What are the TWO types of law? civil and criminal 4 of 19 what does civil law affect? individuals and businesses 5 of 19 What are the FIVE types of civil law? consumer, contract, employment, land and family 6 of 19 What is the purpose criminal law do? decide whether the defendant is guilty of the behaviour 7 of 19 Give THREE differences between criminal and civil law. type, court, powers of the courts 8 of 19 what does the civil law do? resolves disputes 9 of 19 what does the criminal law do? determine the guilt of the defendant who is accused of committing a crime against the state 10 of 19 which TWO courts manages civil law? County, high 11 of 19 Which TWO courts manage criminal law? magistrates, Crown 12 of 19 What is the power of civil courts? awards damages and injunctions 13 of 19 What is the power of criminal courts? pass sentence 14 of 19 who begins the case in the civil court? person/business whose rights have been affectes 15 of 19 who begins the case in the criminal court? crown prosecution service on behalf of the state 16 of 19 what is the legal responsibility of the civil court? case proved on a balance of probabilities 17 of 19 what is the legal responsibility of the criminal court? case proves beyond all responsible doubt 18 of 19 What are the sources of law? acts of parliament, delegated legislation, European union law, precedent 19 of 19
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