The Odyssey - Book Summaries: 1-13

Book 1
Athene in disguise; Telemachus' Xenia; Athene's advice
1 of 13
Book 2
Assembly of Suitors; Aegyptius proud; Telemachus' speech; Antinous rebukes; Telemachus leaves for Pylos and Sparta
2 of 13
Book 3
Pylos' ceremony to Poseidon; Nestor has no information; Hopes Telemachus will defeat the Suitors; Asks Telemachus about Odysseus' fate; Telemachus leaves for Sparta with Pisistratus
3 of 13
Book 4
Meleaus and Helen celebrate; Recount examples of Odysseus' cunning at Troy; Trojan Horse; Odysseus with Calypso; Leave for Ithaca; Suitors' plot; Athene intervines Penelope
4 of 13
Book 5
Gods discuss Odysseus' fate; Hermes sent to Calypso; Odysseus leaves; Poseidon's wrath; Odysseus sleeps
5 of 13
Book 6
Nausicaa's dream; Odysseus' speech; Athene makes Odysseus handsome; Nausicaa's advice; Prayer for Xenia
6 of 13
Book 7
Athene intervenes; Palace's festival to Poseidon; Pleas; Phaeacian ship
7 of 13
Book 8
Phaeacian assembly; Demodocus sings; Phaeacian games; Gifts; Odysseus breaks down/ Phaeacian interogation
8 of 13
Book 9
Tale begins; Cicones; Lotus Eaters; Cyclops
9 of 13
Book 10
Aeolus; Winds; Laestrygonians; Circe; Death of Elpenor
10 of 13
Book 11
River of Ocean; Tiresias; Anticleia; Fled Hades
11 of 13
Book 12
Return to Circe; Sirens; Scylla & Charbdis; Island of the Sun; Calypso
12 of 13
Book 13
Leaves Phaeacians; Poseidon's wrath; Return to Ithaca; Eumaeus' hut
13 of 13

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Card 2


Assembly of Suitors; Aegyptius proud; Telemachus' speech; Antinous rebukes; Telemachus leaves for Pylos and Sparta


Book 2

Card 3


Pylos' ceremony to Poseidon; Nestor has no information; Hopes Telemachus will defeat the Suitors; Asks Telemachus about Odysseus' fate; Telemachus leaves for Sparta with Pisistratus


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Card 4


Meleaus and Helen celebrate; Recount examples of Odysseus' cunning at Troy; Trojan Horse; Odysseus with Calypso; Leave for Ithaca; Suitors' plot; Athene intervines Penelope


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Card 5


Gods discuss Odysseus' fate; Hermes sent to Calypso; Odysseus leaves; Poseidon's wrath; Odysseus sleeps


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