See guest/ Go to meet guest/ Shake Hands/ Greet Guest/ Take heavy possessions/ Seat guest/ Wash hands/ Offer food and drink/ Entertainment/ Questions/ Gifts
Poly eating the crew/ Lotus eater trapping the crew/ Circe turning the crew into swine/ Calypso trapping Ody/ Suitors eating livestock/ Suitors trying to kill Ody/ Laestrygonians
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Define Kleos
Kleos is having a good reputation
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Where is Ody's Kleos useful?
It keeps him safe against some foes, gets him recognised in Hades, he goes to Hades for the sake of Kleos
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Where is Kleos dangerous?
Polyphemus would have recognised the name so he calls himself "Nobody", the Sirens know about Ody and try to lure him to them
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Define Suppliance
Begging fro help from an authority
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Protocol of suppliance
1)Clasp knees and beg in most humble way possible. 2) beg from distance and keep some form of dignity - not ABSOLOUTLY desperate
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What is Nostos?
Nostos means homecomming and is the main theme of The Odyssey
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Evidence of Ody wanting Nostos (3)
Refuses immortality with Calypso and wants to leave ASAP/ All the action of 9-12 is in order to get home/ does best to keep crew safe as no crew=no ship
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Evidence of Nostos being ignored (3)
Spends a year with Circe/ 1 month with Aeolus/ stupidity prevents homecomming
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Women in the Odyssey fit into 2 groups, give examples
Seductresses (Calypso, Circe, Sirens Pene?), Virtuous women (Pene, Nausicaa, Helen - kind of)
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Examples of Disguise and Recognition in The Odyssey
Athene disguises herself as man things in order to help the boys, Ody disguises as a beggar 2 and claims to be Nobody, Circe disguises the crew as swine. Recognition - Pene and Eurycleia
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