The Odyssey Themes

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 18-04-13 18:01
Xenia - Outline protocol (11)
See guest/ Go to meet guest/ Shake Hands/ Greet Guest/ Take heavy possessions/ Seat guest/ Wash hands/ Offer food and drink/ Entertainment/ Questions/ Gifts
1 of 18
Example of Xenia being followed (8)
Athene-Tele/ Tele-Nestor/ Tele-Menelaus/ Ody-Circe/ Ody-Calypso/ Ody-Nausicaa/ Ody-Phaecians/ Ody-Aeolus
2 of 18
Xenia being disregarded (7)
Poly eating the crew/ Lotus eater trapping the crew/ Circe turning the crew into swine/ Calypso trapping Ody/ Suitors eating livestock/ Suitors trying to kill Ody/ Laestrygonians
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Define Kleos
Kleos is having a good reputation
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Where is Ody's Kleos useful?
It keeps him safe against some foes, gets him recognised in Hades, he goes to Hades for the sake of Kleos
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Where is Kleos dangerous?
Polyphemus would have recognised the name so he calls himself "Nobody", the Sirens know about Ody and try to lure him to them
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Define Suppliance
Begging fro help from an authority
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Protocol of suppliance
1)Clasp knees and beg in most humble way possible. 2) beg from distance and keep some form of dignity - not ABSOLOUTLY desperate
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What is Nostos?
Nostos means homecomming and is the main theme of The Odyssey
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Evidence of Ody wanting Nostos (3)
Refuses immortality with Calypso and wants to leave ASAP/ All the action of 9-12 is in order to get home/ does best to keep crew safe as no crew=no ship
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Evidence of Nostos being ignored (3)
Spends a year with Circe/ 1 month with Aeolus/ stupidity prevents homecomming
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Women in the Odyssey fit into 2 groups, give examples
Seductresses (Calypso, Circe, Sirens Pene?), Virtuous women (Pene, Nausicaa, Helen - kind of)
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Examples of Disguise and Recognition in The Odyssey
Athene disguises herself as man things in order to help the boys, Ody disguises as a beggar 2 and claims to be Nobody, Circe disguises the crew as swine. Recognition - Pene and Eurycleia
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Monsters - list them
Laestrygonians, Cyclops, Sirens, Scylla+Charybdis, Lotus Eaters, Cicones
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What is the point of the Monsters in The Ody?
They help the reader to see Ody's leadership side and gain him Kleos and add to the heroic image he has
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Justice and Revenge (3 examples) and any problems they may present
Killing the Suitors, Blinding Poly, Zeus drowning the crew
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What is Pathos?
Pathos is the evocation of pity
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personification of modesty, respect and shame
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Example of Xenia being followed (8)


Athene-Tele/ Tele-Nestor/ Tele-Menelaus/ Ody-Circe/ Ody-Calypso/ Ody-Nausicaa/ Ody-Phaecians/ Ody-Aeolus

Card 3


Xenia being disregarded (7)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define Kleos


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where is Ody's Kleos useful?


Preview of the front of card 5
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