The Panathenaia 0.0 / 5 ? Classical CivilizationIntroduction to PanathenaiaGCSEAQA Created by: AmritaCreated on: 09-11-13 20:02 Festival held in honour of this deity Athena 1 of 27 What does 'Panathenaia' mean? All Athenian Festival 2 of 27 The Second King of Athens who instituted the festival Kekrops 3 of 27 Held every year Lesser Pananthenaia 4 of 27 Lesser Panethanai had sacrifice of how many animals to Athena every year 100 5 of 27 The Lesser Panathenai happened every... year 6 of 27 Great Panathenaia happened every... four years 7 of 27 As well as this, a sacrifice to Athena took place in the Lesser Panathenaia Procession 8 of 27 Lesser and Great celebrated Athena's.. Birthday 9 of 27 Athena's birthday was late July, early... August 10 of 27 This type of Panathanaia contained athletic, choral, poetic and naval competitions Great Panathanaia 11 of 27 Athena's birthday was held on the... 28 Hekatombeion 12 of 27 Hekatombeion is named after... Hekatombe 13 of 27 Hekatombe means the sacrifice of 100... Oxen 14 of 27 Great Panathenaia was a local festival, that celebrated the BLANK of Athens and it's patron goddess polis 15 of 27 city-state poleis 16 of 27 Wisdom - Athena's interest metis 17 of 27 craft - one of Athena's interests ergane 18 of 27 One of Athena's interests (similar to Ares) Warfare 19 of 27 One of Athena's interests which is why she likes the humans Civilisation 20 of 27 One of Athena's interests, which is why she often helps heroes and is prayed to in war Peace 21 of 27 Athena the Virgin Goddess Athena Parthenos 22 of 27 Athena of the city (protector and patron goddess) Athena Polias 23 of 27 Animal symbol Owl 24 of 27 Protective shield with the head of Medusa is Athena's symbol Aegis 25 of 27 Athena is often depicting holding this along with a helmet Spear 26 of 27 Athena's symbol (linking to nature and victory) Sacred Olive Tree 27 of 27
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