'the concomitant greed and lack of moral values in the 1920s'
2 of 12
What economist/sociologist created the idea of a 'conspicuous consumer'?
Thorstein Veblen
3 of 12
Stephanie Forward (woo Daisy)
'his efforts were side-tracked and channelled towards the fulfilment of one very specific dream: his aspiration to woo Daisy'
4 of 12
Stephanie Forward (Geographical locations)
'Geographical locations are highly significant in The Great Gatsby'
5 of 12
Stephanie Forward (lavish parties)
'Despite Gatsby's ostentatious house, expensive car, 'beautiful shirts' and lavish parties, he will never be accepted by those who live in East Egg'
6 of 12
Stephanie Forward (valley of ashes)
'It has come about as a by-product of capitalism, because it is the result of industrial dumping'
7 of 12
Stephanie Forward (James Gatz)
'its is apparent that as a young boy Gatsby was eager to improve himself and work conscientiously towards a better life'
8 of 12
Tony Tanner (1990)
'…the book was always going to be an elegy, pervaded with the sense of something lost - a chance missed a dream doomed...'
9 of 12
William Troy (1945)
'…insofar as the book is Gatsby's story, it is a story of failure…the adolescent incapacity to distinguish between dreams and reality, between the terms demanded of life and the terms offered'
10 of 12
William Rose Benet (1924)
'His was a strange dream, Gatsby's - but he was a man who has hope. He was a child'
11 of 12
A.B Paulson (1978)
'Gatsby's death has a kind of tragic inevitability about it'
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
'the concomitant greed and lack of moral values in the 1920s'
Stephanie Forward noticed (greed)...
Card 3
Thorstein Veblen
Card 4
'his efforts were side-tracked and channelled towards the fulfilment of one very specific dream: his aspiration to woo Daisy'
Card 5
'Geographical locations are highly significant in The Great Gatsby'
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