The USA and Vietnam: 1961 - 1975 1961 President Kennedy 3.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? HistoryAmerica - 19th and 20th centuryASAQA Created by: ArtisicBiscuitCreated on: 03-06-10 20:12 What was Kennedy a prisoner of that affected his foreign policy? Campaign rhetoric 1 of 8 Who's theory did Kennedy believe in that told once one country fell to Communism, the rest would follow. Eisenhower 2 of 8 Where did Kennedy consider to be the new Cold War battle ground The Third World 3 of 8 What was this theory called? Domino theory 4 of 8 Who was Kennedy's secretary of defence? McNamara 5 of 8 Who was Kennedy's secretary of state? Rusk 6 of 8 Were both of these men committed to Vietnam? Yes 7 of 8 What religion was Kennedy that shaped his ideas on Vietnam? Catholic 8 of 8