The Wife Of Bath

How and when does chaucer uses alliteration?
Chaucer uses aliteration when she is listing; "hors, and houndes" (285) "Spoones and stooles, and al swich housbondrye" (288)
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When does Chaucer use Anaphora?
295 to 300 all but two lines start with "And but thou" or "And to my". Chaucer uses anaphoras to emphasise the Wife's points she has within her arguments.
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When does Chaucer use a hyperbole
"Hir coverchiefs ful fyne weren of ground;/ I dorste swere they weyeden ten pound" (General Prologue; 453) - Example of comic hyperbole by Chaucer, as WoB's headdress can't have weighed that much. He's exaggerating her elaborate, rich, over-the-top a
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What is the importance of using animal imagery?
 "lioness' to emphasise her fiery nature.
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How does the Wife of bath show Machiavellian behaviour?
Wife lies to gain power over her husbands, a typical example of Machiavellian behaviour; "And al was fals, but that I took witnesse." (382)
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Card 2


When does Chaucer use Anaphora?


295 to 300 all but two lines start with "And but thou" or "And to my". Chaucer uses anaphoras to emphasise the Wife's points she has within her arguments.

Card 3


When does Chaucer use a hyperbole


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the importance of using animal imagery?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does the Wife of bath show Machiavellian behaviour?


Preview of the front of card 5


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