Theme 1 England 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: emilycallowCreated on: 25-04-18 20:41 the French Revolution 1789 1 of 13 Burke, Paine and war with France 1790s 2 of 13 Peterloo 1819 3 of 13 first reform act 1832 4 of 13 peoples charter 1838 5 of 13 first chartist petition 1839 6 of 13 third chartist petition 1848 7 of 13 NMU are established 1851 8 of 13 property qualifications for mps removed and end to chartism 1958 9 of 13 Reform union and legaue 1864 10 of 13 Hyde Park riots 1866 11 of 13 second reform act 1867 12 of 13 Gladstone prime minister 1868 13 of 13
“Henry VIII might have himself supreme head of the Church of England, but he did little else to change church.” Assess the validity of this view. 0.0 / 5
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