Theme 1 Key words
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- Created by: tiarn d
- Created on: 20-05-19 11:52
British Values
the values that are associated with living in modern-day Britain.
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a legal status conferred by a state upon members of the state, indicating their membership state.
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a political system based upon the concept of people having the power.
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Equality Act 2010
brought together 116 pieces of legislation to provide Britain with a new discrimination law to protect individuals from unfair treatment and promoted a fair and more equal society.
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Individual liberty
the concept that in a modern democracy people have the freedom to maker their own choices and decisions.
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Multicultural society
a society that comprises people from a range of of cultural and religious backgrounds.
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a basic truth or idea that underpins a system of beliefs associated with a given society
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The rule of law
a basic principle of a democratic society that the law applies equally to all people.
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a concept based upon the idea that in a modern society people show understanding of others with differing views and opinions.
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standards of behaviour that are accepted by society.
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a government survey normally undertaken every ten years to gather information about life in the UK. Every household is expected to complete their census.
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Office for National Statistics (ONS)
a government body that collects and provides background data.
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Group identity
the identity associated with belonging to a group.
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Global identity
the concept that some aspects of identity are now global in nature.
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the characteristics that determine who or what a person is.
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Multiple identity
that a person can assume different identities at different times and in different situations.
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National identity
an identity associated with being a citizen of a specific country.
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Nature v. nurture
a debate about whether a person's personality and identity are most affected by their biological background or by the way in which they are brought up.
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all forms of media related to the internet; e stands for electronic.
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Mass media
the means of communicating to a large number of people at the same time: e.g television, newspaper, the internet.
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Member of Parliament (MP)
a citizen elected to Parliament who serves as a Member of Parliament, normally as a member of a political party.
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New media
all non-traditional forms of media.
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the Office of Communications: a government regulator for elements of the media industry.
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Social media
the ways in which people interact with each other on the internet: for example, Twitter and Facebook.
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Traditional media
newsprint, radio, television, cinema.
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The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO)
was set up to handle complaints and conduct investigations into standards and compliance.
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organisations and bodies that are a part of a major institution: for example, the UN or EU.
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Closed regional list system
a proportional voting system used in the UK for European Parliamentary elections.
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Commonwealth Charter
a document that lays down the principles associated with Commonwealth membership.
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Council of Europe
founded in 1949 and is an intergovernmental organisation whose aims are to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law within its 47 member states. This body established the European Convention on Human Rights.
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Council of the European Union
meetings of ministers from member states of the EU.
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the common currency used by the Eurozone (eighteen members of the EU).
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European Commission
appointed officials from member countries of the EU who draft policy initiatives and direct the workings of the EU.
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European Convention on Human Rights
a convention that lays down the basic human rights. It is based upon the UNDHR, and is overseen by the Council of Europe.
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European Council
meetings of the heads of government of EU member states.
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European Court of Human Rights
Court of the
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
a legal status conferred by a state upon members of the state, indicating their membership state.
Card 3
a political system based upon the concept of people having the power.

Card 4
brought together 116 pieces of legislation to provide Britain with a new discrimination law to protect individuals from unfair treatment and promoted a fair and more equal society.

Card 5
the concept that in a modern democracy people have the freedom to maker their own choices and decisions.

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