Theme 3 Keywords & Formulas
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- Created by: jazimsky
- Created on: 20-01-20 21:58
niche market
a small, specialized market for a particular product or service
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economies of scale
falling long run average cost as output increases in the long run
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principal-agent problem
when aims of a firm's owners & controllers diverge, and policies conflict
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private sector
assets owned by individuals/groups not gov
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public sector
assets owned by society prov thru gov
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non profit organisations
private firms with non profit motive
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organic growth
growth from within thru new capital, new workers, more hours
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external growth
buying out other firms thru mergers/acquisitions
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horizontal integration
when firms merge @ same stage of production process
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vertical integration
when firms merge @ diff stages of production process
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backward vertical integration
when a firm buys another firm closer to raw material stage of production
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forward vertical integration
buying another firm in the same production process but closer to customer
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conglomerate integration/ diversification/ lateral integration
when a firm buys another completely unrelated to business
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dissolution of an earlier merger
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profit maximisation
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marginal revenue
the change in revenue from selling one more unit of output (MR=0)
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marginal cost
the extra cost of making one more unit of output
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marginal profit
extra profit gained from selling one more unit
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sales maximisation
when a firm sells as much as possible subject to the constraint it at least makes normal profit
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making enough profit to satisfy shareholders so managers can aim for other objectives
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price maker
firm that has to cut price to sell more
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price taker
offers product at same price as its competition
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revenue maximisation
when a firm makes as much money possible
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law of diminishing marginal returns
as more of a variable factor is added to a fixed factor, the increase in output (or marginal product) eventually falls
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fixed factor
the factor of production which cannot be changes in SR
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marginal product
the extra output when one more factor of output is added
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economies of scale
when the average costs per unit of output decrease with the increase in scale of output being produced by a firm in the LR
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diseconomies of scale
when the average unit costs of production increase beyond a certain level of output
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managerial economies
one person at top of firms no matter what size
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financial economies
larger firms have access to wider range of credit at smaller price
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commercial economies
large firms can bulk buy from suppliers, better deals
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technical economies
doubling dimensions of any object increases volume eg. warehouse, ship, lorry
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marketing economies
as firm grows bigger, cost of advertising spread out over large no. of potential customers
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minimum efficient scale
point where average costs are at minimum
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normal profit (break-even)
the minimum necessary to keep risk-taking resources in their current uce (AC=AR or TC=TR)
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supernormal profit
profit above minimum required (TR-TC)
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shut down point
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allocative efficiency
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productive efficiency
lowest point on average cost curve (MC=AC)
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dynamic efficiency
measures firm's ability to optimise productivity over LR by innovating, investing in human capital or taking risks
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when costs rise bc no competition/costs fall as threat of competition drives them down: little incentive to cut back bc no reward for competing well
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perfect competition
extreme: many buyers and sellers (all price takers), horizontal D of AR=MR, no barriers to entry/exit, perfect knowledge, all profit maximise
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monopolisitic competition
very close to perf comp BUT product slightly differentiated, some price setting pwr, D curve downwards sloping, many buyers and sellers (price makers)< low barriers to entry/exit, aim to max profits, small amount of brand loyalty (no strong brand nam
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few firms dominating the market: high conc ratios, high barriers to entry/exit, aim for profit max, downwards sloping D, BUT firms are interdependent
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concentration ratio
measures proportion of the market dominated by firms (n-firm)
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game theory
study of strategies used to make decisions
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the actions of one agent depend on the actions of another
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pay-off matrix
simple two-firm, two-outcome model
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non-collusive behaviour
when firms act in a way that does not involve collaboration with other market players (kinked D curve)
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prisoner's dilemma
model in game theory to Q whether firms may collude or not even if best interests
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firms acting as one through agreement
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price wars
when price cutting leads to retaliation
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predatory pricing
SR measure of cutting below avg costs of production to force firms out, then raise prices back up (illegal)
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limit pricing
cutting price to point where new firms cant compete. incumbent firm can keep position LR bc lower costs (legality depends)
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price leadership
some markets dominant firm acts to change prices & others follow (eg. Barclays setting inter-bank borrowing rates)
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non price competition
eg. advertising, loyalty cards, free gifts
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overt collusion
open, easier to detect, firm messages others
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tacit collision
unspoken, harder, implicit understanding
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pure monopoly
one firm dominating market (supplies at least 25%), high barriers to entry/exit, profit maximising, downward sloping D curve
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pure monopsony
firm which is the sole buyer of resources/supplies
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the measure of ease with which firms can enter or exit the industry
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sunk costs
unrecoverable costs
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demand for labour
amount firms are willing to pay for a certain amount of workers
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derived demand
D for labour is dependent on D for final G&S produces
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supply of labour
the number of workers willing & able to work @ any given wage
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geographical immobility
the difficulty to move to diff places for work (eg. family, travel/accommodation costs)
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occupational immobility
difficulty to transfer jobs due to lack of kills/training
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participation rate
labour force ÷ total working age population
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labour force
the sum of people unemployed and employed
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National Minimum Wage
minimum firms pay workers by kaw eg. UK 2016 National Living Wage premium for +25 yr olds: sig higher than previous trend of min wages
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maximum wage
reduces rate at which top earnings move from median eg. bankers & footballers
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wage/price elasticity of demand for labour
responsiveness of demand for labour to changes in wages (-0.4 in UK). elastic is -1 to -infinity/inelastic o to -1
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wage/price elasticity of labour supply
measures responsiveness of labour supply to change in wage rate. elastic is 1 to infinity/inelastic is 0 to 1
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competition policy
the set of rules and powers used to increase competition within markets
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Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
financing major public projects through private sector funds, leasing or maintaining services. 25-30 yrs. 1992 UK intro'd
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contracting out
many govs use private sector to provide services. since 1988 local councils contracting out: reduce inefficiencies, greater choice, lower prices
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when private firmds are taken to public ownership eg. 2008 crisis UK gov nationalised (part) Lloyds, RBS etc
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regulatory capture
corruption of authority when regulators are 'taken in' by firm or persuaded
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unlimited liability
owners/shareholders responsible for all debts if fail financially
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limited liability
owners/shareholders not responsible for all debts if fail financially
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public limited company
company whose shares can be sold to the public
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average costs
total costs ÷ output
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
falling long run average cost as output increases in the long run
economies of scale
Card 3
when aims of a firm's owners & controllers diverge, and policies conflict

Card 4
assets owned by individuals/groups not gov

Card 5
assets owned by society prov thru gov

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