moral- caused by free-will agents natural-caused by nature
1 of 12
what is evil?
anything that causes suffering
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what is moral evil?
any suffering that is brought about through the actions of a free-will agent
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what is a free-will agent?
free-will agents have the ability choose good or evil, as such their actions can result in others suffering
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examples of moral evil
murder, ****, animal cruelty
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what issue is presented as a result of moral evil
if evil is caused by an individual that could have chosen to do good instead, does that mean God cannot be held accountable for evils existence
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what is natural evil?
any suffering that is brought about as a consequence of the events outside of the control of free-will agents
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examples of natural evil
tornadoes, earthquakes
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what is the logical problem of evil/suffering- Epicurus
if a belief system suggests that the universe was created by an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all loving, then how is it possible that things within the universe can go wrong?
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logical problem of suffering- whats the issue?
why is it that within the universe, the created beings made by God, suffer to often appalling extremes
10 of 12
John L Mackie- the nature of the problem of evil
see sheet
11 of 12
Rowe and Paul
see sheet
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
anything that causes suffering
what is evil?
Card 3
any suffering that is brought about through the actions of a free-will agent
Card 4
free-will agents have the ability choose good or evil, as such their actions can result in others suffering
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