Theories 0.0 / 5 ? CriminologyTheories A2/A-levelWJEC Created by: Cat91Created on: 12-03-20 10:54 Lombroso was the first to study criminality in this way Scientifically 1 of 9 Who came up with the three body types? (Last name) Sheldon 2 of 9 Ectomorph, mesomorph and... Endomorph 3 of 9 Twin studies have done tests that have a what concordance rate? Fifty 4 of 9 How many criminals per thousand have xxy? Fifteen 5 of 9 What can't we do with Freud's theory? Measure it 6 of 9 What percentage of crime can Blowby account for? Thirty nine 7 of 9 What type of criminal does Eysenk not account for? Loners 8 of 9 What's something that operant theories ignore? (FW) Free will 9 of 9
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