Theories of Control - Motor Control 0.0 / 5 ? Sports ScienceMotor ControlUniversityNone Created by: anniecritchlowCreated on: 06-05-19 16:47 Motor control is the interaction between what factors? Task, environment, individual 1 of 38 Who came up with the 4 aspects of motor control? Sheridan 2 of 38 What is NOT an aspect of motor control? Degrees of freedom 3 of 38 What is the fundamental unit of motor control according to reflex theory? Reflexes 4 of 38 What is reflexive chaining? Reflexes combined to make movement of individual 5 of 38 What is not a limitation of reflex theory? It has a storage problem 6 of 38 What does the hierarchical theory NOT assume? Reflexes are an important part of movement planning 7 of 38 Who came up with the open/closed loop theory? Adams 8 of 38 What is not a characteristic of open loop? Execution is dependant on feedback 9 of 38 What is not a characteristic of closed loop? Pre programmed 10 of 38 What is a major influencer of which mode to employ? Speed of movement 11 of 38 What is not a feature of a ballistic movement? Allows for correction 12 of 38 What is not a feature of a controlled movement? No feedback 13 of 38 Who came up with the Motor Program? Keele 14 of 38 What is a motor program? Set of muscle commands that are structured before a movement sequence begins 15 of 38 What is not a limitation of motor program theory? Does not view movement planning as being a top down approach 16 of 38 Who refined the motor program to the generalised motor program? Schmidt 17 of 38 What is not an advantage of the generalised motor program? It still has storage issues 18 of 38 What is not a family of movement example? Finger movements 19 of 38 What theory did Berenstein develop in 1967? Degrees of freedom 20 of 38 What is the DoF problem? How are multiple DOF controlled without overloading system? 21 of 38 What is not an example of a degree of freedom? Leg 22 of 38 What reduces the DOF of movement? Linking elements together 23 of 38 What is not a source of context conditioned variability? Cognitive variability 24 of 38 What study is an example of how movement can be coordinated and controlled? Kelso 25 of 38 What is a coordinative structure? Group of muscle spanning several several joints that act as functional unit 26 of 38 What is not a principle of coordinative structures? Context specific - initial conditions have to be constant 27 of 38 What is self organisation? Intrinsic structural patterns occur spontaneously as they self organise 28 of 38 What is perception action coupling? Interaction between perceptual and movement variables that results in specific movement dynamics 29 of 38 What is perception? Process of obtaining information from sensory stimulation and making it available for action 30 of 38 What is not a sensory receptor used to perceive environment? Emotive receptor 31 of 38 Perception is.. Multi modal 32 of 38 What is it when muscles and tendons are filled with mechanical receptors that stretch and compress to tell us about body position? Proprioception 33 of 38 Muscle spindles are not... Messengers to sensory neurons in spinal cord to cause relaxation and lengthen of muscle 34 of 38 Golgi tendon organs are not.. Signalled by hormones that accumulate in the tendons 35 of 38 Joint receptors do not... Fire only at extreme angles to signal the body is not in useful position 36 of 38 The vestibular system does not... Detect only angular accelerations of head 37 of 38 What is not a role of proprioception? Open loop feedback 38 of 38
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