Theories of Eduaction 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyEducationA2/A-levelAQA Created by: KayleighWalshCreated on: 01-05-16 19:35 Durkheim Specialt skills + Social solidarity 1 of 9 Parsons Particularist values and Universalistic standards 2 of 9 Althusser R.S.A, I.S.A 3 of 9 Bowles and Gintis The correspondence principle 4 of 9 Bowles and Gintis The Hidden Curriculum 5 of 9 Willis Critise correspondence principle - 12 W/C Lads 6 of 9 Chubb and Moe Educational Voucher - Funding Marketisation 7 of 9 Gerwitz Marketisation only benefits M/C 8 of 9 Barlett Cream skimming and Silt shifting 9 of 9
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