Theories of the Family- Feminism and the Personal life Perspective

  • Created by: Om4r
  • Created on: 29-05-19 16:51
What are the 4 Main types of feminism?
Liberal, Radical, Difference and Marxist
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What are liberal feminists concerned with?
Campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities
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What Laws suggest that Women's oppression is gradually being overcome?
Sex Discrimination act, Equal Pay act, Equal Franchise act
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What view do Liberal feminists take?
A march of progress view
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What do Liberal feminists believe moving towards greater equality depends on?
Changes to attitudes and socialisation patterns
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What do Liberal feminists argue about the socialisation of children?
Its being done in a more equal manor
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How are Liberal Feminists Criticised?
By other feminists, they need to challenge the underlying causes of womens oppression
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What do Marxist feminists believe is the main source of women's oppression?
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How do Marxist Feminists believe women are reproducing the labour force?
Through their unpaid domestic work and simply reproducing, they maintain their husbands absorbing their frustrations from the work place
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What does Ansley argue about the emotional support provided by wives?
It acts as a safety valve for the husbands' frustration at working within the capitalist system, wives absorb anger
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What does Feeley argue about the family?
It is an authoritarian unit dominated by the husband, teaching children to give in to parental authority and accept their place within a capitalist society
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What do Marxist feminists believe is required in order to end women's oppression?
The family must be abolished, classless society required by a socialist revolution
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What do Radical Feminists believe society is founded on?
It is Founded on Patriarchy
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What do Radical Feminists believe about men?
They are the enemy, who oppress and exploit women
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What do Radical feminists argue are key institutions in Patriarchy?
Family and Marriage, men benefit from women's domestic work and use threat of violence to maintain control
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What do Radical Feminists believe must happen in order to achieve equality?
Family must be abolished, they advocate separatism (women only colonies)and political lesbianism
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What do Radical Feminists argue about Heterosexual sex?
It's sleeping with the enemy
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What does Purdy argue disadvantages women?
The fact that they have children which involves long term commitment of time and energy and is expensive
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What does Purdy suggest women should do?
Women should take a 'baby strike' in order for men to take women's demands for equality more seriously
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How might a Liberal feminist criticise Radical feminists?
There has been some improvements and there's a march of progress, as well as heterosexual attraction making political lesbianism unlikely to work
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What do Difference feminists believe we should not do?
Should not generalise about women's experiences within the family
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What do Difference feminists believe?
All women have very different experiences from one another
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How is Difference feminism criticised?
Women do share many of the same experiences worldwide such as generally lower pay and fewer job opportunities which are more significant than the minor differences
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What does the Personal life perspective (Interpretivism) criticise Structural perspectives for assuming?
They assume that traditional nuclear family is the dominant type of family and that families and their members are passive puppets
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What does Personal Life perspective believe we must do in order to understand families?
Must take a micro approach and start from the point of view of individuals and the meanings they give to their relationships
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are liberal feminists concerned with?


Campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities

Card 3


What Laws suggest that Women's oppression is gradually being overcome?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What view do Liberal feminists take?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do Liberal feminists believe moving towards greater equality depends on?


Preview of the front of card 5
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