Learn behaviours through environment and observation of role models. Learn through the process of meditational processes: Attention -> Remember -> Motivation -> Skills
1 of 5
Skinner - Behaviourist
Learn through operant conditioning and the use of reinforcement to change someones behaviour. Believes all behaviours are a result of experiences in life rather than unconscious actions or genetics.
2 of 5
Maslow - Humanistic
Hierarchy of Needs, People with never reach self actualisation, must meet psychological needs before others.
3 of 5
Piaget - Constructivist
Children construct and reconstruct reality, suggested that we learn through personal experiences (discovery learning) and construct schemas.
4 of 5
Lennenberg - Language
Belives that there is a critical period in a child's life where they are able to acquire language. Critical period 12-13 years old. Linked to maturation.
5 of 5
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Card 2
Learn through operant conditioning and the use of reinforcement to change someones behaviour. Believes all behaviours are a result of experiences in life rather than unconscious actions or genetics.
Skinner - Behaviourist
Card 3
Hierarchy of Needs, People with never reach self actualisation, must meet psychological needs before others.
Card 4
Children construct and reconstruct reality, suggested that we learn through personal experiences (discovery learning) and construct schemas.
Card 5
Belives that there is a critical period in a child's life where they are able to acquire language. Critical period 12-13 years old. Linked to maturation.
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