In and out group behaviour - groups are sources of self esteem and social identity. Self image is increased by discriminating/holding prejudice and enhancing status.
1 of 14
Higgins (1987)
Self discrepancy theory - the actual, ideal and ought self. Two types of achiever, low and high, low evaluates against ought, high against actual or factual comparison.
2 of 14
Thompson (1997)
PCS Model - Prejudices are formed through three key factors: personal, cultural and structural
3 of 14
Allport (1954)
Six different scales of discrimination: 1. Anti-locution (jokes), 2. Avoidance, 3. Discrimination, 4. Subtle Aggression, 5. Physical Attack, 6. Extermination (not ness. death)
4 of 14
Scarman (1981)
Completed a report on police behaviour after Brixton Riots. Rejected the idea of institutional racism, said there needed to be urgent action to prevent discrimination from becoming an endemic.
5 of 14
MacPherson (1999)
Completed a report after the murder and subsequent investigation of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. Produced 77 recommendations incl. redefining a racist incident, recruiting more ethnic minority officers, and developing guidelines on handling vics
6 of 14
Six Strands of Diversity
Age, sexual orientation, disability, race, gender, religion
7 of 14
Protected Characteristics (Equality Act 2010)
Pregancy and maternity, age, sexual orientation, religion, marriage and civil partnerships, gender reassignment, disability, sex, race
8 of 14
Cashmore (1984)
Stereotyping: 'Learned beliefs and values that lead an individual or group of individuals to be biased for/against members of particular groups.
9 of 14
Becker (1963)
Labeling: 'An act is only deviant when society deems it to be so'. This is done through the law, making an action criminal. With new laws come new labels: ASBO.
10 of 14
Matza (1969)
'To label someone a thief, as a prostitute, or more generally as a deviant, is to further hasten and compound the process of becoming that very thing'.
11 of 14
Becker (1963)
Six master statuses: Homosexual, Criminal, Disabled, Mentally Ill, Junkie, Muslim.
12 of 14
Cohen (1972)
Moral panics: 'A moral panic occurs when a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values'.
13 of 14
Goode and Ben-Yehuda
Characteristics of moral panics: Concern, hostility, volatility, disproportionate, consensus
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Self discrepancy theory - the actual, ideal and ought self. Two types of achiever, low and high, low evaluates against ought, high against actual or factual comparison.
Higgins (1987)
Card 3
PCS Model - Prejudices are formed through three key factors: personal, cultural and structural
Card 4
Six different scales of discrimination: 1. Anti-locution (jokes), 2. Avoidance, 3. Discrimination, 4. Subtle Aggression, 5. Physical Attack, 6. Extermination (not ness. death)
Card 5
Completed a report on police behaviour after Brixton Riots. Rejected the idea of institutional racism, said there needed to be urgent action to prevent discrimination from becoming an endemic.
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