Theory of global politics

  • Created by: tgrev
  • Created on: 02-05-18 18:25
what is classical realism
a form of realism that explains power politics largely in terms of human selfishness or egoism
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what is neorealism
a perspective on international politics that modifies the power politics model by highlighting the structural constraints of the new international system
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what is republican liberalism
a form of liberalism that highlights the benefits of republican rather then monarchical government, emphasising the link between peace and democracy
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what is liberal institutionalism
an approach to study that emphasises the role of institutions in the realisation of liberal principles and goals
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what is egoism
concern for ones own interests or well being or selfishness
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what shapes global politics for realists
power and self interest, hans morgenthau key realist
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what 2 core principles is power politics based on
egoism is the defining characteristic of human nature, and the state system operates in the context of international anarchy
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what are the key themes of realism
state egoism and conflict, statecraft and national interest, international anrachy and its complications, polarity stability and the balance of power
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3 significant realists
Machiaveli, Sun Tzu and Thucydides
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what is statecraft
the art of conducting public affairs or the skills associated with statesmanship
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what is national interest
foreign policy goals objectives or policy preferences that supposedly benefit a society as a whole
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what is the systems theory
an approach to study that focuses on the works of systems in explaining their operation and development in terms of reciprocal interactions amongst the component parts
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what is polarity
the existence within a system of one or more significant actors which affect the behaviour of other actors and shape the contour of the system itself
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what is offensive realism
a form of realism that portrays states as power maximisers as there is no limit to their desire to control international environment
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what os defensive realism
a form of structural realism that views states as security maximisers placing the desire to avoid attack above a bid for power
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what is neoliberal institutionalism
a school of thought that emphasises the scope for cooperative behaviour within the international system while not denying its anarchic character
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what is democratisation
the transition from authoritarianism to liberal democracy reflected in the granting of basic freedoms and political rights, the establishment of competitive elections and the introduction of market reforms
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what is commercial liberalism
a form of liberalism that emphasises the economic and international benefits of free trade, leading to mutual benefit and general prosperity as well as peace
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what is free trade
system of trade between states not restricted by tariffs or other forms of protectionism
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what are high politics
issue area that are of primary importance, usually taken to refer to defence and particularly matters of self preservation
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what are low politics
issue areas that are seen not to involve a states vital national interests, whether in the foreign or the domestic sphere
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what is the democratic peace thesis
th enotion that there is an intrinsic link between peace and democracy, in particular that democratic states do not go to war with one another
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what are absolute gains
benefits that accrue to states from a policy of arction regardless of their impact on other states
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what is post-positivism
an approach to knowledge that questions the idea of an objective reality, instead emphasising the extent to which people conceive the world they live in
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what is neo-marxism
an updated and revived form of marxism that rejects determinism, the primacy of economics and the privileged status of the porletariat
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what is uneven development
the tendency within capitalist countries for industries to develop at very different rates due to the pressures generated by economic exploitation
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what is dependency theory a
a neo-marxist theory that highlights structural imbalances within a capitalist system that impose dependency on poor
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what is hegemony
the ascendancy of one element of a system over others, or marxists hegemony implies ideological domination
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what is theoretical reflexivity
an awareness of the impact of the values and the presuppositions that a theorist brings to analysis as well as an understanding of the historical dynamics that have helped to fashion them
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what is discourse
human interaction, especially communication; discourse may disclose or illustarte power relations
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what is deconstruction
a close reading of philisophical or other texts with an eye to their various blindspots and or/ contradictions
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what is deep ecology
a green ideological perspective that rejects anthropocentrism abd gives priority to the maintenance of nature; it is associated with values such as bio-equalty diversity and decentralisation
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what is holism
the belief that the whole is worth more than a collection of parts, holism implies that understanding is gained by recognising the relationships amongst parts
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what is eurocentrism
the application if values and theories drawn from European culture to other groups and peoples, implying a biased or distorted viewpoint
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what is distant proximity
a phenomenon rooted in complexity in which what seems to be remote also seems close at hand
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what is cultural relativism
the view that matters of right or wrong are entirely determined upon culture, usually implying that it is impossible to say that one culture is better or worse then another
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what is communitarianism
the belief that the self or person is constituted through the community in the sense that individuals are shaped by the communities to which they belong
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is neorealism


a perspective on international politics that modifies the power politics model by highlighting the structural constraints of the new international system

Card 3


what is republican liberalism


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is liberal institutionalism


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is egoism


Preview of the front of card 5
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