mount etna 2002
increased sulphur levels decreasing pH levels meant wrong growing conditions for crops so reduced food security
pastural land ruined so reduced meat products
costed 140 mil euros to feed everyone
1 of 7
nat shock - earthquakes
nepal 2015
70% of those living in remote mountain areas were battling boderline food consumption
1.4mil in need of food aid
80% of households lost entire food stock
2 of 7
nat shock - pests
locust plague 2020
wet and warm conditions perfect for breeding
20 countries at risk from invasion
pakistan, ethiopia, kenya
losing all their harvests
3 of 7
hum shocks - salinisation
occurs naturally but human activity increases it
water drawn up via capillary action deposits salts near surface
20% of irrigated land globally has reduced productivity due to it
4 of 7
hum shocks - epidemics
lesotho AIDS/HIV epidemic
24% prevelence in population
parents die leaving children orphans who cant feed themselves
5 of 7
hum shocks - conflict
2011 syrian civil war
9.8 mil in need of food aid
food prices rise bread 180% and rice 403%
6 of 7
hum shocks - deforestation
high rates
trees taken away so soil with nutrients doesnt stay in place
when farmers try to grow on the land theres no nutrients so they have to pump it with fertiliders which runs off into the rivers causing europication and contamination
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
nepal 2015
70% of those living in remote mountain areas were battling boderline food consumption
1.4mil in need of food aid
80% of households lost entire food stock
nat shock - earthquakes
Card 3
locust plague 2020
wet and warm conditions perfect for breeding
20 countries at risk from invasion
pakistan, ethiopia, kenya
losing all their harvests
Card 4
occurs naturally but human activity increases it
water drawn up via capillary action deposits salts near surface
20% of irrigated land globally has reduced productivity due to it
Card 5
lesotho AIDS/HIV epidemic
24% prevelence in population
parents die leaving children orphans who cant feed themselves
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