What is the individual response to burning fossil fuels
conserve energy by turning off the lights, putting things on standby
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What is the local response to burning fossil fuels
grants are offered to people to have loft or cavity insulation
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What is the national response to burning fossil fuels
look into alternative energy sources. Uk investing in Offshore wind farms
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What is the international responses to burning fossil fuels
Kyoto agreement- countries signed up to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2050
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What is the indidvual response to deforestation
buy recycled paper, recycle paper in bins provided by local authority
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what is the local response to deforestation
urban forests in Wolverhampton are protected woodlands, recycling campaigns
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what is the national response to deforestation
allocation of protected areas such as national parks and SSSI'S. DEFRA prosecute against illegal logging.
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What is the international response to deforestation
Organisaation involved over many countries such as Oxfma and Friends of the Earth that campaign against rainforest destruction
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What is the indivudal response to landfill sites
reduce waste and recycle
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what is the local response to landfill sites
wolverhampton has an inceinerator to turn waste and reduce landfilll. Different bins provided for increasing recycling
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what is the national response to landfill sites
national initative on waste reducion in UK
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what is the international response to landfill sites
The GMI - global methan initiative is a voluntary multilateral partership that aims to reduce global methan emissions and to aim to use methane as a valuable clean energy source
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what is the individual response to rice farming
alternative food chosen
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what is the local response to rice farming
to drown rice paddies to prevent the methane from escaping in certain areas
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what is the national response to rice farming
population reduction policies, fewer people, less demand for food
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What is the individual response to car exhaust emissions
walk or use public transport
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What is the local response to car exhaust emissions
Travelwise- Wolverhampton initiative to encourage car sharing and congestion charges in London also increase parking fees.
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What is the national response to car exhaust emissions
increase car and fuel tax to discourage the use of and buying cars
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What is the international response to car exhaust emissions
Kyoto agreement - reduction of car emissions, sharing technological and advances buying hybrid cars and electric cars
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What is the indivdual for the use of fertilisers
buy organic food
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what is the local response to the use of fertilisers
promote and advertise organic food, allocation nitrogen sensitive zones that ban the use of fertilisers in areas close to water sources
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what is the national response for the use of fertiliers
money supplements offered to farmers to ecnourage them to use Organic farming methods that more expensive
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What is the international response for the use of fertiliers
International Nitrogen Initiative- aim to encourage the production of sustainable food production and minimize nitrogen negative effects on Human health and the enviroment resulting from food and energy production
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the local response to burning fossil fuels
grants are offered to people to have loft or cavity insulation
Card 3
What is the national response to burning fossil fuels
Card 4
What is the international responses to burning fossil fuels
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