Topic 1: Restless Earth case studies

  • Created by: DJSalt
  • Created on: 23-03-17 00:21
Restless Earth: Haiti Earthquake: State how many people died approximately
1 of 12
Approximately, how many people were injured?
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How much money was lost due to damage?
Approximately £8.5 billion.
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How many people died due to secondary impacts?
Approximately 7000
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How many people were made homeless
Approximately 1 million
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Finish the sentence: _ spread due to lack of clean _ and _
Cholera spread due to lack of clean water and sanitation
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The response to the Haiti Earthquake: how did they try and rescue survivors?
By using rescue teams to clear rubble and then they searched for them.
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Finish the sentence: The government _ the area
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Finish the sentence: The UN's ___ flew in two _ with __
The UN's world food programme flew in two planes with emergency food.
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What did world vision do to mitigate the impacts of the Haiti earthquake?
Provided 1.2 million with food, emergency shelter for 41,000 people. 16 million litres of clean water, health and education programmes and sanitation
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What did Obama do?
Gave Haiti 100 million dollars.
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Analysis: how helpful were the relief and recovery methods?
Not that helpful, most help came from private charities, Haiti a very poor country so recovery is difficult. Even in 2012 Haiti was still recovering. Not all money promised sent. 350,000 people still living in tents. Shortage of clean water.
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Card 2


Approximately, how many people were injured?



Card 3


How much money was lost due to damage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many people died due to secondary impacts?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many people were made homeless


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