Some sociologists reject the secularisation thesis that religion is undergoing an inevitable decline in modern Western society. Instead they argue that while some aspects of traditional religion are in decline new forms are emerging.
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From obligation to consumption
Grace Davie (2013) argues that in today's late modern society, we are seeing a major change in religion away from obligation and towards consumption or choice. In the past churches such as the Church of England and the Catholic church could oblige
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From obligation to consumption (2)
people to go to church, to believe certain things and to behave in certain ways. This is no longer the case: religion is no longer inherited or imposed but a matter of personal choice.
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Believing without belonging
Davie argues that religion is not declining but simply taking a different, more privatised form. People are increasingly reluctant to belong to organisations, whether these are churches, political parties or trade unions. But despite this people
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Believing without belonging (2)
still hold religious beliefs.
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Card 2
From obligation to consumption
Grace Davie (2013) argues that in today's late modern society, we are seeing a major change in religion away from obligation and towards consumption or choice. In the past churches such as the Church of England and the Catholic church could oblige
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