Topic D key terms 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyWhy do we have phobias?GCSENone Created by: Bethany CrinksCreated on: 13-04-18 14:48 Classical conditioning A learning process which builds up an association between two stimuli through repeated pairings. 1 of 25 Association The link between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus that makes the natural stimulus cause the same response. 2 of 25 Generalisation When a conditioned response is produced to stimuli to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus. 3 of 25 Phobia An intense fear that prevents 'normal living' in some way. 4 of 25 Extinction The loss of a classically conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeated many times without the the unconditioned stimulus. 5 of 25 Vicarious reinforcement Learning through the positive consequences of other people's actions rather than first-hand - we are more likely to copy if they are rewarded. 6 of 25 Modelling Imitating the behaviour of someone. 7 of 25 Preparedness The tendency to learn some associations more easily, quickly and permanently than others. 8 of 25 Anxiety A state of fear or worry. 9 of 25 Hierarchy of fears A list of fears that are arranged from to least feared. 10 of 25 Distressing When a person is suffering physically or psychologically. They may feel harm, embarrassment or pain. 11 of 25 Right to withdraw The ability of a person to remove himself of herself from the situation. 12 of 25 Custom A longstanding practice of a particular group of people. 13 of 25 Tradition A practice that has been handed down through generations. 14 of 25 Social norm A behaviour or belief that is expected and accepted in a particular culture. 15 of 25 Collectivist Describes a culture that encourages group dependence, cooperation and group identity, e.g. Japan. People rely on each other to achieve together. 16 of 25 Individualistic Describes a culture that encourages independence, personal achievement, competition and individuality, e.g. the USA. 17 of 25 Questionnaire A researcher method using written questions. 18 of 25 Open (-ended) question Question that asks for description and detail. 19 of 25 Closed question Simple question with few possible answers. 20 of 25 Likert-style question Question using statements with five choices from 'strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree'. 21 of 25 Rank style question Questions with points either in order that can be chosen or that can be out in oder. 22 of 25 Standardised instructions Guidance for participants that is the same for everyone. 23 of 25 Response bias The patterns that participants fall into when answering a questionnaire, for example always saying, 'yes' or trying to guess the aim. 24 of 25 Social desirability bias When participants give the answers they think will be acceptable to other people, to make themselves look better. 25 of 25
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