Research into the similarity to twins, particularly their criminal similarity, to investigate genetic links.
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A rare genetic material that results in a change in the number or structure of chromosomes.
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To adjust to expectations made of us.
3 of 19
Self-fulfilling prophecy
When the expectations of others influence our behaviour.
4 of 19
Whether the results can be applied to other people.
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A measure of an association or relationship between two factors or variables. For example, the factors of family size and crime can be correlated to see if there is a link between the two.
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Ways to keep variables constant in all conditions of an experiment.
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Control group
A group that does not receive an experimental condition. This group provides a baseline on which to compare those participants who do experience a condition of the experiment.
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Extraneous variables
Any variables that might affect the results of the study that may not be controlled.
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Demand characteristics
When we change our behaviour to meet the demands of the situation.
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Criminal consistency
The idea that a person will commit a crime in a way that mirrors his or her own personality and ability. An organised person will commit an organised crime.
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A list of predicted abilities, personality characteristics, occupation, marital status, act. , that can be used to narrow down a list of suspects for a crime.
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Person stuttering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.
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Has to be done.
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Personal construct therapy
A therapy where someone finds their own way of looking at people (their personal constructs) and uses the constructs, not only to see how they judge the people they know but also to measure change after therapy.
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A person who has been accused of a crime and is now in court.
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A decision made by a jury. The verdict can be guilty or innocent.
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The evidence given by a witness, expert, or a person the defendant knows well.
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A general view of a person based on little or no factual information.
19 of 19
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A rare genetic material that results in a change in the number or structure of chromosomes.
Card 3
To adjust to expectations made of us.
Card 4
When the expectations of others influence our behaviour.
Card 5
Whether the results can be applied to other people.
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