Topic 1.5
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- Created by: lauren_ox
- Created on: 12-05-14 18:52
1.5- Barriers related to the care worker - Lack of motivation
Care workers feel that they cannot do the job because they cannot be bothered, resulting in their job not being done correctly.
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Attitudes and Prejudice and Stereotypes
Attitudes and prejudice is when a care worker has differernt attitudes towards patients, they may prejudge patients before taking care. Stereotypes is when a care worker labels individuals based on their characteristics.
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Ethical Dilemmas
Conflict of opinions on what is the right action to take. Conflict usually between an individuals rights and the principles of care. Care workers look at long and short term effect on the impact on individuals.
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Stress and Physical Strain
Can result in care workers putting themselves at risk. Stress is caused when a care worker has a lot of work to do which results in physical strain as they feel the need to ensure that all their jobs are completed in the given time.
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Lack of Skill
Care workers do not have the skill and knowledge of the job that they are doing resulting in the correct care not being provide to patients. May not be trained or have any experience.
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Conformity to workplace norms
Care workers accept how things are run in a care setting. Routine may not fit with them but they still accept how things are done.
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Pre-occupation with own needs
Care worker has different feelings, attitudes and expections from patients. Do not concentrate on others they concentrate on themselves.
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1.5 Barriers related to the individual - Hostile behaviour
Individuals have a lack of empowerment over other individuals. May be abusive towards others.
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Concealing problems
Individuals do not tell carers their issues/problems. Can result in a lack of care if do not tell others their problems/issues.
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Social exclusion
Individuals do not get involved in socialising with others. They may be ignored or not feel comfortable to communicate with others.
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Physical Impairment
Individuals have a lack of mobility and cannot do a variety of activities. Unable to care for themselves or may struggle to be independent.
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Poor access to services and resources
Individuals have problems when having access to services and resources. May have financial problems therefore they cannot purchase resources. Physcial barrier eg wheelchair user may not be able to access a service.
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Attention seeking
Individuals use inappropriate behaviour to be able to grab peoples attention on purpose. They may make up stories and lie to others to receive the attention they are wanting.
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Lack of status
Individuals may not feel important to care workers because they are not as well known as others.
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Feelings of frustration and isolation
Individuals may not respond to care they are given as they isolated with a situation. They may also feel isolated as they may not be involved in activities.
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1.5 - Strategies to overcome barriers, related to the care worker - Clear and effective policies and codes of practice
Care workers follow codes of practice and policies to prevent themselves and patients being at risk. Codes of practice and policies help care workers to do their job correclty.
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Care workers are trained to ensure that their skill and knowledge is up to date so that they can care for patients correclty and understand what to do. Also care workers can be safe and patients can be safe.
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Advice and support within the workplace
Care workers receive advice and support from other employees in the workplace. The advice and support given can help care workers to know how to deal with a situation if they are unsure of what to do
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Appraisal, CPD (continuing professional development) and procedures
Appraisal- care workers look at their strengths, weaknesses & improvements. CPD- care workers learn and develop throughout their career and keep the skills and knowledge that they have.Procedures-
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1.5- Strategies to overcome barriers, related to individuals - Sign language and makaton
Sign language- individuals use sign language to communicate if they have an hearing impairment. Hand gestures are used and it is a non verbal way of communicating. Makaton - signs are used that are simpler than sign language. Symbols are used.
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Braille- individuals with a sight impairment use braille. System of dots on objects. Finger is placed over the dots to recognise what is being said. It is a code not language. Used to represent letters, numbers, etc.
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Computer software programme. Symbol of words are used. Aimed at children who speak different language or language difficulties. Images are shown to help understand.
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Equipment and aids
Access to a variety of aids eg; hearing aids, ramps, lifts, lower lights, wet rooms, etc. Aids allows individuals to be more independent. Equipment such as; electronic voice(helps individuals to type) computers(include braille), etc
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Advocate and support groups
Advocate- individuals represents views of individuals. Used when individuals unable to communicate. Individuals may understand when others are unwell. Support Groups- group of individuals have similar issues. Can support others so feel comfortable.
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Managing anger/assertiveness
Individuals may have an anger problem or feel under pressure therefore they learn to manage it and control it. Individuals may attend anger management courses. Courses help individuals to meet others and overcome their situation.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Attitudes and prejudice is when a care worker has differernt attitudes towards patients, they may prejudge patients before taking care. Stereotypes is when a care worker labels individuals based on their characteristics.
Attitudes and Prejudice and Stereotypes
Card 3
Conflict of opinions on what is the right action to take. Conflict usually between an individuals rights and the principles of care. Care workers look at long and short term effect on the impact on individuals.

Card 4
Can result in care workers putting themselves at risk. Stress is caused when a care worker has a lot of work to do which results in physical strain as they feel the need to ensure that all their jobs are completed in the given time.

Card 5
Care workers do not have the skill and knowledge of the job that they are doing resulting in the correct care not being provide to patients. May not be trained or have any experience.

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