Spartacist Revolt (Jan 1919) and Ruhr Uprising (April 1920)
2 of 6
Ruhr Uprising
Communists saw weakness in Weimar & tried to set up communist republics. Defeated by Freikorps & army.
3 of 6
Right-wing political crises
Kapp Putsch (March 1920) and Munich Putsch (1923)
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Kapp Putsch
The government tried to demobilize Freikorps, so Kapp & Luttwitz held 'Putsch.' Defeated by people of Germany and Trade Unions. Bavaria became right-wing & government was overthrown.
5 of 6
Gustav Stresemann's role as Foreign Minister
Locarno Treaties, League of Nations, Dawes & Young Plan
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Left-wing political crises
Spartacist Revolt (Jan 1919) and Ruhr Uprising (April 1920)
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