Topic 7 - Science as a belief system 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: GraceCreated on: 23-05-15 17:29 When do most sociologists believe that the rationalisation that brought about science happened? Protestant reformation 1 of 20 What has science helped to eradicate? Fatal Diseases 2 of 20 Was has been bettered as a result of science? Living standards 3 of 20 What problems has science caused for society? Global warming 4 of 20 What is the term used to refer to the ability science gives us to explain, predict and control the world? Cognitive thinking 5 of 20 What theorists thinks that science is an open belief system? Popper 6 of 20 By being open, it means science is open to ... F Falsificationism 7 of 20 Science is able to build on the findings of previous scientists to develop greater theories, this is called .... Cumulative 8 of 20 What does Science receive from other institutions that Merton says is the reason for its rapid growth? Support 9 of 20 What does Merton call the norm for scientific knowledge to be shared? Communism 10 of 20 What does Merton call the norm of science to be judged by universal objective criteria (e.g. testing)? Universalism 11 of 20 What does Merton call the way in which scientific knowledge is not sacred but open to questioning? Organised scepticism 12 of 20 If science is an open belief system, what is religion? Closed 13 of 20 What is an example of religion being a closed belief system? Witchcraft in the Azande 14 of 20 What does Polanyi call the way in which each idea in religion is explained by another idea and so forth? Circularity 15 of 20 What does Kuhn call the way in which science is based on shared assumptions? Paradigm 16 of 20 What does Woolgar say scientists do to their findings to fit with the expectations of society? Tailor 17 of 20 What is an example of Woolgar's theory? Little Green Men 18 of 20 How do Marxists and Feminists see science? As far from the truth 19 of 20 What do post modernists reject? One version of the Truth 20 of 20
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