higher in phylogenic rank order, higher in number of trigger stimuli. variations in emotion, more distinctions in face muscles.
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how are motivation and emotion linked?
motivation activates and guides behavior. emotions go along with motive. from within, need. from outside, varitey of stimuli
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why do we have emotions?
regulate relationships, effective communicating, good health, protect from disease. affect-prefernce, moof, emotion (feeling, cognition, motivation and expression)
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what is the difference between emotion and mood?
E-short, episodic, strong, event caused, function situation, specific direction. M- long, continuous, weak intensity, undetermined cause, self function, unfocused
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What are basic emotions?
easily recognised behavour. universal, physicologica. innate. automatically triggered. other primates. specific physiological reactions. fear, disgust, neural circuits. survival of the species.
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what are secondary emotions?
individual, culturally different, build on basic emotions, cognition, appraisal, important. not necessary in primates. jealousy, shame, guilt, pride. surprise. embarrasment
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what is the difference between fear and anxiety?
fear is an emotion, anxiety is a mood. F-specific, immediate, breif, high arousal, motivates adaption, pain. A-mood, not specific, anticipated, long, low arousal, no adapation, avoidence.
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what is disgust?
revulsion of something offensive. horror, displeasure, unclean, implicit innate reaction. transmission. cockroach, fear has some disgust to it
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describe fear
recognised in other animals, rapid, breif, response to external stimuli. dread, danger, threat. avoids. avaluate danger, well defined physiological response. innate. protect from danger.
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what is anger
strong feeligns ANS arousal to fear. related to aggressive behaviour. external trigger, vognitive process. difficult to trigger/measure. irritability, long term less specific, mood
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how can anger be classified?
passive, aggressive, immediate, displaced, hostile or instrumental
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what are the six dimentions to anger?
direction, locus, reaction, modality, impulsivity and objective
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what is sadness?
less well defined. mood, personality, trait. from loss, no control= more loss-sad. fault, embarrassed. depression is saddness over a long period of time. grief. difficult to produce
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what are the 5 stages of greif?
denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
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what is joy?
anticipating, achieving something good, duchene smile, interchangable with pleaure. broadens attention, promotes exploration, skill, development. social binding
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what is a duchene smile?
use zygomatic major muslces. obribiculoris muscles in the eyes.
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what is a pan am
non duchenne smile. fake smile. just mouth muscles.
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