
Tort questions

  • Created by: mark snow
  • Created on: 22-03-11 12:36
What is the standard for breach?
reasonable trained professional
1 of 15
Nervous shock is?
positive psychiatric injury caused by sudden and unexpected shock
2 of 15
A primary victim is?
in danger of physical injury
3 of 15
The burden of proof in tort is?
balance of probabilities
4 of 15
Bolitho is the leading case on?
medical negligence
5 of 15
In private nuisance, to claim an injunction a claimant must show?
unreasonable interference
6 of 15
What is the leading case in public nuisance?
PYA Quarries
7 of 15
The Occupiers Liability Act 1957 protects?
8 of 15
Tort means?
civil wrong
9 of 15
The Consumer Protection Act 1987 deals with?
defective products
10 of 15
The duty of care to trespassers is?
the common duty of humanity
11 of 15
Vicarious liability is?
a claimant sueing a tortfeasor
12 of 15
Elements of Rylands v Fletcher do not include:
secondary victims
13 of 15
General defences are:
contributory negligence and volenti
14 of 15
Two remedies are:
damages and injunctions
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Nervous shock is?


positive psychiatric injury caused by sudden and unexpected shock

Card 3


A primary victim is?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The burden of proof in tort is?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Bolitho is the leading case on?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




veryusefull dear Mark snow..pls also provide answers..

James Dart


Most answers at the top and first and last answers are wrong, also no show of correct answers

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