Tourism - key words 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyTourismGCSEAQA Created by: ikroliviaCreated on: 29-03-16 12:50 Boycott showing your disapproval by refusing to go somewhere 1 of 18 Community tourism tourism that has close contact with, and mainly benefits, local communities 2 of 18 conflict contrasting demands between people with different desires and opinions 3 of 18 corporate responsibility how a company manages its impact on society & the environment 4 of 18 development gap difference between the economic development of world's richest/poorest countries 5 of 18 development indicators health, wealth & social statistics that show how developed a country is 6 of 18 ecotourism Responsible development and management of tourism that helps preserve the environment 7 of 18 event tourism travel based around specific events whether they're sporting, cultural or historical. 8 of 18 Exploitation taking advantage of resources or people 9 of 18 fair trade tourism makes sure benefits go to those whose land, natural resources, work, etc. are being used 10 of 18 heritage tourism travelling to see historical aspects of a country that still exists 11 of 18 human development index measuring development using info about income, life expectancy and education 12 of 18 indigenous people people native to an area 13 of 18 infrastructure basic networks like power supplies, transport and telecommunications 14 of 18 long-haul travelling a long distance 15 of 18 mass tourism large numbers of people heading to same area 16 of 18 sustainable able to be maintained 17 of 18 multiplier effect the increase in final income arising from any new injection of spending 18 of 18
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