transformation of surgery SWHS 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Historytransformation of surgeryGCSEAQA Created by: NathanCCreated on: 31-08-15 14:26 what Queen used chloroform duing her nineth child birth ? QueenVictoria 1 of 12 Who was killed in 1848by a chloroform overdose ? HannahGreener 2 of 12 What couldnt surgeons get right about chloroform ? Dosage 3 of 12 how many marks is a question 1 worth ? Six 4 of 12 How long should you spend on a question 3 ? TenMinutes 5 of 12 What are the main two things to talk about on question 4, content and ... ??? Authorship 6 of 12 In question 1, what do you have to do that begins with an I ?? Infer 7 of 12 Who improved hygein in hospitals in the 1850's ?? FlorenceNightingale 8 of 12 What word descibest being free from microbes that cause infection ?? Aseptic 9 of 12 What is the condition where bacteria attack the flesh, leading to decay ?? Sepsis 10 of 12 What is the word that describes the reason for a source being created ?? Purpose 11 of 12 What country was Ignaz Semmelweis's surgery in ?? Austria 12 of 12
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