Translations context 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English Language & LiteratureTranslationsA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: 12sherburnlCreated on: 01-06-19 15:21 The political backdrop of the performance The Troubles 1 of 10 In which city was it first performed? Derry 2 of 10 The theme Friel claimed to be the focus of the play Language 3 of 10 George Steiner's book that influenced Translations After Babel 4 of 10 Classical text by Homer referenced in the play The Illiad 5 of 10 When was the play set? 1833 6 of 10 Secret schools aiming to preserve Irish Catholic culture Hedge Schools 7 of 10 Caused by potato blight, 1845-52 The Great Famine 8 of 10 English Free Schools National Schools 9 of 10 Mapping project featured in the play (most of which is inaccurately presented) OS Survey 10 of 10
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