travel and tourism 0.0 / 5 ? Travel & TourismdefinitionsASWJEC Created by: lucylooxooxCreated on: 07-02-17 15:36 commercial organisations organisations that aim to make a profit 1 of 21 non- commercial organisations organisations that don't aim to make a profit 2 of 21 perishability when the product has been experienced and its over (perished) 3 of 21 intangibility when the product cannot be sampled before expereince 4 of 21 non-standardised when a tourist has a slightly different experience 5 of 21 VFR visiting friends and relatives 6 of 21 rack rate advertised price of rooms 7 of 21 room rate actual price of rooms 8 of 21 domestic tourism staying in the same country 9 of 21 tourism going to a different place to experience something new 10 of 21 short haul going some where that's under 4 hours away e.g. Spain 11 of 21 long haul going somewhere thats over 4 hours, e.g. australia 12 of 21 the 4 external pressures -economical - environmental - landscape processes - climate factors 13 of 21 seasonality changes in the climate which attract tourists 14 of 21 budget airlines cheap flights without food e.g. Ryan air or easy jet 15 of 21 independent tours any form of travel that's not part of a package holiday 16 of 21 inbound tourism travelling towards a particular place 17 of 21 outbound tourism someone travelling towards your country 18 of 21 inclusive tour another word for a package holiday 19 of 21 package holiday holiday organised by a travel agent which includes transport and hotels etc. 20 of 21 private sector organisation business owned by a company that aims to make a profit 21 of 21
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