Jobs that are in hotels, tourist accommodation, travel agencies, tour operators etc. They deal directly with the customers
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Indirect employment
Employees that work to maintain the business but do not come into direct contact with the customer. For example, painter or decorator, the printer supplying the brochure, web designer for an airline
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Seasonal staff
Staff that are employed only during the main season
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Short Break
Usually a weekend or mid-week break of three nights or less
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Something that cannot be seen/tested before use or purchase. A holiday is intangible because it is not until you go on the holiday, you can see what you have purchased
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Service products such as tourism, unlike goods, cannot be stored for sale on a future occasion
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Commercial organisations (private sector)
Business operations owned by individuals or groups of people that operate for profit.
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Sole Trader (private sector)
The business is owned and controlled by one person. This person takes the risks, provides the capital, keeps the profits or bears the losses.
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Public limited companies
These operate within the UK only, or in several countries as multinationals. These companies must include 'plc' as part of their name (British Airways) The shares of these companies are sold openly on the Stock Exchange and anybody can invest in them
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Based on shareholders who own the company. The principles involved are more democratic-there is only one vote per shareholder, rather than one vote per share owned
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Ownership of the business is undertaken by several individuals. The business is likely to be larger due to more capital
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Private limited companies
Any business organisation with the word 'limited' in its name shows that investors in the business are liable only for the company's debts up to the amount they have invested
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Non-commercial organisations
(public and voluntary sector)
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Public sector
The government provides travel & tourism activities and facilities in the public sector. Exists to provide a service to the community (VisitBritain)
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Voluntary sector
Not controlled by the government & they do not operate solely for profit. They have been formed because of some interest or need in the community
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Employees that work to maintain the business but do not come into direct contact with the customer. For example, painter or decorator, the printer supplying the brochure, web designer for an airline
Indirect employment
Card 3
Staff that are employed only during the main season
Card 4
Usually a weekend or mid-week break of three nights or less
Card 5
Something that cannot be seen/tested before use or purchase. A holiday is intangible because it is not until you go on the holiday, you can see what you have purchased
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