Tropical Rainforests UNIT 1 SECTION B 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyTropical RainforestsGCSEAQA Created by: kaylzberryyyCreated on: 24-10-21 13:35 Name 4 places where tropical rainforests are found. Central and South America Central Africa South East Asia Northern Australia 1 of 12 How often does it rainfall per year? Over 2000mm a year. 2 of 12 What is the temperature throughout the year? Averaging about 27c. 3 of 12 Name the layers of a tropical rainforest, starting from the bottom. Shrub layer Under canopy Canopy Emergent 4 of 12 Describe the sunlight, vegetation and animals in the shrub layer. Dark and gloomy Little vegetation, bacteria and fungi Mammals: tiger, panther Insects: beetles, spiders Reptiles: snakes, lizards 5 of 12 Describe the sunlight and animals in the under canopy. Limited sunlight Parrots Monkeys 6 of 12 Describe the sunlight, animals and vegetation in the canopy layer. The sunlight reaches the canopy first Monkeys, birds, frogs Most of the trees are found here 7 of 12 Describe the sunlight, animals and vegetation in the emergent layer. Most sunlight reaches the tallest plants and trees Leaves need to be waxy as the sun is very hot Eagles, bats, butterflies 8 of 12 What are drip-tips? Many leaves have drip tip leaves to allow the heavy rain to drip off the leaf. 9 of 12 What are buttresses? They are roots to support the base of tall trees Help transport water Help O2 and CO2 exchange by increasing the surface area. 10 of 12 Name 3 reasons why tropical rainforests should be protected from deforestation? Cutting down the trees will release carbon dioxide that was being stored Trees provide resources Medicine comes from rainforest plants Biodiversity, some plants may become extinct before they are discovered Rainforests are important sources for clean 11 of 12 Name and explain 2 ways how rainforests can be managed sustainably Replanting: plant 1 tree, replant another. International agreements to protect rainforests 12 of 12
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