TRUMAN DOCTRINE AND MARSHALL PLAN 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: AbigailCreated on: 05-01-15 18:14 Name this: an organisation created January of what year was so that the communist countries would share everything - an economic benefit for? Comecon, 1949, USSR 1 of 14 The Truman Doctrine was created in response to the crisis in Greece that was brought to a height when? 1944 2 of 14 Who was the civil war between in Greece? Monarchists and communists 3 of 14 By 194_ the draining impact of WW2 wasbeing felt with Britain oweing how much reparations to Germany? 1947, $300mil 4 of 14 Therefore Britain's economy was in a state of crisis and they felt they could no longer what? Maintain troops in international countries 5 of 14 In what month 1947 the UK announced they couldn't keep troops in Greece February 6 of 14 In what month '47, Truman gave a speech: "it must be the policy of the US to support (who) resisting (what) from (what what) March, peoples, subjugation, outside pressures 7 of 14 Who condemned this as 'dollar imperialism' Molotov 8 of 14 Wherever communists attempted to overthrow a (what), the Truman Doctrine would? Democracy, intervene 9 of 14 Around the same time in 1947, who travelled through Europe and noticed the what what of the western countries? George Marshall, economic devastation 10 of 14 The Marshall Plan committed what what of American what to Europe? Large sums, finances 11 of 14 The Marshall Plan would also benefit America, how? Because Europe is one of their largest markets for goods so benefitting their economy would do the same 12 of 14 Americans were concerned that if Europe was left in poverty what would happen? Communists would thrive on it 13 of 14 When was the Cominform set up, why? October 1947, in response to the MP and TD as a way for Stalin to organise the communist groups in East Europe 14 of 14
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