PofG- Which reformist bishop did Cromwell appoint?
Hugh Latimer
3 of 10
PofG- Which instructions did Cromwell send in April 1535?
Letters sent to bishops, nobility, and JPs to arrest all clergymen who were still loyal to the Pope.
4 of 10
PofG- What did the Act of Ten Articles (1536) do?
First attempt at defining CofE doctrine, which was mainly the same as Catholic doctrine, except the CofE though Communion was symbolic. Also the number of sacraments reduced from 7 to 3.
5 of 10
PofG- What did the Injunctions to the English Clergy dictate?
To attack pilgrimages and the worship of Saints. Also, Holy Days were to be banned.
6 of 10
PofG- What did the 1534 Treason Act do?
Made it possible to prosecute those who didn't swear an oath of loyalty as traitors. Some of those executed include Thomas More and John Fisher.
7 of 10
PofG- Who were the named members of the conservative faction @ the Tudor court?
Thomas Howard, Edward Stanley, Henry Percy, Lord Thomas Darcy, etc.
8 of 10
PofG- What did the Valor Ecclesiasticus (1535) do?
It surveyed all church property and revealed their wealth, making Henry £1.3m between 1536-47. It also made visitations by biased reformers to find evidence of corruption, as well as being used to justify the 1536 Act of Parliament.
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PofG- What did the 1536 Act of Parliament do?
Authorised the dissolution of the smaller monasteries.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
PofG- Where were Catholic ideas regionalised?
The North and Southwest
Card 3
PofG- Which reformist bishop did Cromwell appoint?
Card 4
PofG- Which instructions did Cromwell send in April 1535?
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