The Second Triumvirate

What was Cicero's death date?
7th December 43 BC
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Cicero was proscribed by the Second Triumvirate, how did this occur between them?
According to Plutarch, Antony insisted that Cicero's name be at the top of the list. It is said that Octavian was most reluctant to agree, but Antony was stubborn and Octavian accepted the proposal when Lepidus sided with Antony.
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Who formed the Second Triumvirate?
Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
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When did the Second Triumvirate formally come into effect?
27th November 43 BC
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What was the difference between the First and Second Triumvirates?
The First was an informal amicitia, whereas the Second was a formal arrangement with the full force of Roman law. The Senate ratified the Second as an instrument of public policy.
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What was the official position of each Second Triumvir?
'Commissioner for the Restoration of the Republic'
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What did the Second Triumvirs agree upon?
To: divide the western provinces between themselves; prosecute the war against the conspirators Brutus and Cassius; begin proscriptions.
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When did Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus meet after the Civil War?
October 43 BC
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Card 2


Cicero was proscribed by the Second Triumvirate, how did this occur between them?


According to Plutarch, Antony insisted that Cicero's name be at the top of the list. It is said that Octavian was most reluctant to agree, but Antony was stubborn and Octavian accepted the proposal when Lepidus sided with Antony.

Card 3


Who formed the Second Triumvirate?


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Card 4


When did the Second Triumvirate formally come into effect?


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Card 5


What was the difference between the First and Second Triumvirates?


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